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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Nominations Open for Shared Capital BOD

Nominations are now being accepted for the Shared Capital Cooperative Board of Directors. The election will be from March 30 to April 12 and this year four seats are open; three seats representing cooperative members and one seat representing individual members.

Shared Capital seeks a diverse pool of candidates representing different backgrounds, experiences and geographic regions. Many different skills and expertise add value to our board, including knowledge and experience in cooperative governance, finance, lending, investing, law, marketing, member engagement, cooperative development and CDFIs. Most importantly we are looking for people who are committed to our mission and our work and able to participate fully on the board and at least one committee.

Interested in running? Check out the candidate statement form and endorsement form on our website. There’s also a board job description. People interested in running for the board must be endorsed by a cooperative that is a member in good standing of Shared Capital. Both a candidate statement and endorsement form are needed for a nomination and nominations are due by end of day March 6, 2020.

Read the rest at Shared Capital


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