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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

NASCO Institute 2023

Affirming Institutions: Co-ops for Social Change

Inspired by the words of celebrated changemaker Ruth Wilson Gilmore: “Abolition is about presence, not absence. It's about building life-affirming institutions.”

At NASCO Institute 2023, we’ll explore the role of co-ops in this map of life-affirming institutions that light our way to a world beyond punishment and exploitation.

To envision abolitionist futures, we need to know not only what structures to dismantle, but what structures to build. At NASCO Institute 2023, we’ll explore the role of co-ops in this map of life-affirming institutions that light our way to a world beyond punishment and exploitation.

We hope you'll join us for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build your cooperative skills toolbox, network with co-opers from across the continent, caucus about pressing issues, and collectively work on building an inclusive and accessible cooperative movement.

Read the rest and register at NASCO


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