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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Co-ops: The Next Generation

Greg: I’m Greg Brodsky, I’m the founder and co-director of I found out about coops, because in my family, it’s the family business. So when I was growing up in Manchester, New Hampshire, my dad ran a carpet store. And when I was about seven years old, my father got together with about 10 other guys who ran carpet stores around the US. And they said, hey, you know, we’re all buying from the same manufacturers, we all have the same marketing challenges, operational expenses, there must be some economy of scale of working together. And so they didn’t realize it was called a cooperative, but that’s really what they were designing.

Wailin: [00:01:23] That group now has over 2000 stores in North America, and Greg’s dad is still running it. Greg has spent most of his career in the world of cooperatives, too. He helped create coops for independent bicycle stores and craft breweries, and he served on the board of a nonprofit that helps create cooperative businesses.

Listen to the episode and read the transcript at REWORK


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