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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Our Intentional Community: Good for All


Some 17 years ago, when we first began talking about our vision of sharing retirement together, our conversations centered around three things. We wanted to avoid isolation as we age, to stretch our retirement dollars as far as possible, and to provide support for each other through tough times.

How has that gone?

Shared finances. My husband, Rick, and I live in a beautiful home on a 4-acre lot with sweeping views, near the ocean. We travel overseas several months every year. Living in common with the other Shedders, we have been able to consolidate equipment and appliances, for instance, one ride-on mower, one chain saw, one whipper snipper, one washing machine, one dishwasher. We enjoy quality meals every night of the week, as we share cooking and buy in bulk when we can. Rick and I could not have afforded this lifestyle on our own nest egg. This community has saved us hundreds of thousands of dollars and let us live more lightly on the planet. 9 out of 10 for this one.

Read the rest at Yoga Suits Her


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