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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Self-Empowerment Through Cooperative Enterprise

Two Examples of Cooperative Business in Rural Latin America

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October 28, 2016
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[Editor's note: below are two short videos that profile rural cooperative enterprises in Latin America: a dairy cooperative in Ecuador and a weaving cooperative in Chiapas, Mexico.]


Salinerito is a Social and Solidarity Economy Ecuadorian brand that represents cooperative companies from the Andean mountain village of Salinas de Guaranda. It is, in effect, a center of entrepreneurship that offers high quality products, locally and ethically sourced. Collectivism and local activities are the main focus.

Visit the Salinerito website


Flores de Chiapas

Estamos orgullosos de presentar Flores de Chiapas, una cooperativa de mujeres fundada y apoyada por Yo'on Ixim

Yo'on Ixim es una organización no lucrativa Mexicana que trabaja con familias Mayas Tzotziles de los Altos de Chiapas. Nuestra misión en la cooperativa de artesanas Flores de Chiapas es trabajar con mujeres que viven en pobreza extrema en el desarrollo de las empresas equitativas y democráticas que les brinde a las las mujeres la oportunidad de trabajar por salarios justos, aprender nuevas habilidades técnicas, y desarrollar la capacidad de dirigir un negocio.

[We are proud to present Flowers of Chiapas, a women's cooperative founded and supported by Yo'on Ixim.

Yo'on Ixim is a nonprofit organization that works with Mexican families Tzotzil Maya of highland Chiapas. Our mission in cooperative is to work with women living in extreme poverty in the development of equitable and democratic businesses that provide the women a chance to work for fair wages, learn new technical skills, and develop the ability to run a business.]

Visit the Yo'on Ixim website


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